Living Arts Dance Studio is excited to begin our new competition season with you! We have a dance team program designed for our dancers who are motivated to bring their dancing to a higher level. We are striving to grow and stretch as dancers, improve our technique, experience performing and adjudication for a panel of experts. Being a member of the dance team is making a great investment into your dance education and experience, as well as the joy of being part of a team. Please review the FAQ's and Contract below.
We are pleased to announce that our Living Arts Dance Team (LADT) will be growing! LADT has different team levels to better accommodate the age and skill of our dancers helping to ensure they have a positive LADT experience.
When are try-outs?
2024-2025 LADT season auditions will be held:
May 30th, 2024 at our Williamston location (120 E. Grand River, Williamston)
Ages 9 & up 7:00PM – 8:00PM
What happens at try-outs?
All dancers will go through a basic warm up, learn a small jazz combination and do progressions across the floor.
When and how many classes do LADT members need to take?
All LADT members are expected to attend all LADT classes, rehearsals and performances. They are also required to take the summer classes listed below.
Summer Schedule is as follows:
Conditioning July 8 - August 12 (Mondays) Williamston Studio 6:00PM - 7:00pm $75
Technique July 8 - August 12 (Mondays) Williamston Studio 7:00 - 8:00pm $75
Team Rehearsal July 11 - August 15 (Thursdays) Williamston Studio 6:00 - 7:30pm $108
LADT regular classes will be held on Thursday evenings from late August through mid June. Some weekend rehearsals will be scheduled when we get closer to competitions. In addition to the LADT class, members must take a ballet and technique class once a week at a minimum. Several of our team members take multiple classes in different styles of dance which is beneficial to their dance education and performance quality.
What is the attendance policy?
Being on LADT is just like being on any other team. Each person is a valuable part of the team and must commit to attend the classes and performances of their team. Missing classes means not learning choreography and developing performance quality that will negatively impact competition results. LADT members and their parents are reminded to work together in managing their schedules to avoid conflicts with other activities. All LADT dancers need to adhere and commit to the attendance policy for LADT rehearsal, ballet and techniques classes. See contract below for more details.
Is there an LADT member contract?
Once you have been accepted onto the team all members will receive a contract that both dancers and parents must sign. This contract will provide pertinent information for team members making sure proper expectations are set for all LADT members.
How many competitions will LADT compete at?
We will compete at two competitions during the season and they will all be held in Michigan. Competitions are normally in the Howell / Walled Lake area to give you an idea of travel. They are in late winter to early spring.
What costs will I have when joining the dance team?
All members will have their monthly class fees which will include at a minimum a ballet, technique and dance team class. This is approximately $175 per month for the three classes. All dancers will be in at least three dances and you will need to purchase a costume for each dance which will be approximately $80 per costume. There are fees to compete which will range from $60 - $75 per person for group routines. Two deposits will be made of $100 each in August and October for competition fees. The balance will be due one month before the date of each competition once we know what the actual cost is. If you are a new member you will need to purchase a makeup kit which is approximately $45 and a team jacket. That team jacket cost is approximately $80.
Solos, Duos and Trios?
This season we are offering solos, duos and trios to our dancers by invite only. Invitations will be given to those dancers who show determination, strong work ethic, and are respectful to the other dancers and their instructors. These are key qualities we will be looking for when determining who is eligible for a solo, duo or trio. It’s a privilege to be in a solo, duo or trio and dancers interested will need to get approval from Ms Susan and Miss Brielle. These dances will begin rehearsals in the fall. Large group routines will start during the summer months and the bulk of the choreography will be complete before September so we have plenty of time to clean routines before our first competition.
Here are the fees:
Solo: $250 for choreography and 5 hours of instruction
Comp fees range from $150 - $160 per competition
Costume approximately $80
Duo: $400 ($200 per dancer) for choreography and 5 hours of instruction
Comp fees approximately $90 per dancer per competition
Costume approximately $80
Trio: $450 ($150 per dancer) for choreography and 5 hours of instruction
Comp fees approximately $90 per dancer per competition
Costume approximately $80
Communications: General team related questions or concerns should be directed to Susan Byrd at (517) 819-9361 or susan@livingartsdancestudio.com. *Please note: While all of our student/parent concerns or questions are important to us and we normally respond quickly we ask that you respect the faculty’s personal time. We may not respond to a text, Facebook messenger or personal email until the next business day.
Attendance: I understand that 80% attendance for all ballet and technique classes is mandatory for all dancers. For LADT practices, the only excused absences are graded schools activities, family vacation and illness. If illness persists a doctors note may be required. The parent or student who will be missing class must email, text or phone your instructor if you are going to be absent. All missed classes must be made up by taking another Living Arts class that fits their schedule and ability. All missed classes must be made up before the competitions. Dancers will be spaced out of performances and competitions if attendance requirements are not upheld throughout the entire season. This includes classes after competitions are complete and could affect the recital performance. All LADT dancers need to commit to the entire season which concludes at the final recital in June. All attendance related issues must be communicated directly to Susan Byrd by the dancer or the dancer's guardian.
Dress Code: All LADT dancers must have the following for class and rehearsals: A leotard, tights and shoes are required for ballet and technique class. Dance fitted shorts or ballet skirts are optional. Advanced dancers must have black leotards and intermediate dancers need a maroon leotard. Form fitted clothing (colors can vary) for all other classes is required. There will be no loose fitted clothing for class. Hair must be securely pulled back and out of the face. If you are not dressed properly for class you will receive a warning. If you get more then two warnings you will be asked to leave the class and that class will need to be made up.
Bullying: We have a ZERO tolerance of bullying at Living Arts Dance Studio. If any of our instructors or assistants hear of or witness bullying in any form we will investigate the situation and take action when warranted. Forms of bullying include direct physical contact (pushing and shoving), name calling and speaking to someone in an inappropriate manner as well as cyber bullying. If it’s proven that an individual has been bullying another Living Arts student they will be removed from the studio and will not be able to attend Living Arts.
Outside Commitments: All team members are to inform the Director of any potential outside commitment or program that may conflict with your participation in our competitive program. To maintain the integrity of our program all training must be under the direction of Living Arts Dance Studio. You will be required to meet and discuss your options with Susan Byrd.
I understand the commitment that is required of both dancers and parents: proper attitude, attire, class attendance, costumes, shoes, makeup, accessories, warm-ups, and convention/competitions fees.
I agree to pay all fees according to payment schedule and understand late charges will be assessed to my account if not paid on time. Additionally, I agree that once my fees (including costumes, competitions, conventions etc.) have been paid they are non-refundable. I understand the season begins July 8, 2024 and continues through June 30, 2025.
I understand that my contract is with Living Arts Dance Studio only. Living Arts Dance Studio has the right to add or dismiss dancers at any time at the direction of the director.
I do not hold Living Arts or any of it’s staff responsible for any harm or injury that may occur during any LADT rehearsals, classes or competitions. Living Arts is not responsible for any harm that may ensue during transportation to and from competitions or at any competitions.
Code of Ethics: All team members are considered “role models” of Living Arts Dance Studio and will be held to a higher standard of behavior, participation and dedication. We expect all team members to be supportive of each other, exercise good sportsmanship and to abide by the Living Arts code of ethics below:
INTEGRITY: To conduct oneself with honesty, courtesy, and respect. To express consideration for one’s fellow dancers, educators, parents, staff and competitors. To be a person who leads by example and honors commitments. To be a person other people can count on.
LEADERSHIP: To guide, direct and influence people in achieving their highest goals and ideals. By setting an example through one’s actions and speech. To inspire and serve the people of your class, team, or community through full participation in all dance related activities.
RESPONSIBILITY: To respect and adhere to the policies and procedures of the studio. To be a person who interacts with peers and authority figures in a mature manner. To question authority in a respectful manner. To speak of any issue or grievance to the person who is able to resolve any concern. To be willing to receive coaching and direction when deemed appropriate. The willingness to be a team player for the good of all.
CHARACTER: To be a person who represents high levels of personal integrity,leadership, and responsibility for oneself and others. A person who has the courage and willingness to face issues and concerns with maturity and dignity. To avoid gossip, criticism, or denigrating comments for any member of the dance community, parent, or peers.
PROFESSIONALISM: To respect the dance profession and uphold our values and standards of conduct. To support and encourage one another. To voice opinions and initiate change that will elevate the dance community. To recognize oneself as a role model at all times. To love the study and performance of dance as a universal art form.
Congratulations! This document represents your willingness to abide by the above responsibilities itemized in this agreement for the period of Sept-June. You can count on your experience and opportunity as a Living Arts Dance Team member to be one of positive ongoing growth and development. All team members and their families will be included in any coaching or concern regarding our programs and values.
Date: ________________________
Dancer Signature: ________________________________________________
Date: ________________________
Guardian Signature: ________________________________________________